Running on Glassfish

Well, it took long enough, but it’s finally done:

Response Headers -

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1, JSP/2.1
Set-Cookie: PersistCountryCode=1;; Expires=Wed, 23-Sep-2037 22:11:45 GMT; Path=/
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Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 11520
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:11:45 GMT
Server: Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0_01
Connection: close

200 OK

Phew. Now maybe I can get those backlogged EJB3-based articles out.

Author: Robert Watkins

My name is Robert Watkins. I am a software developer and have been for over 20 years now. I currently work for people, but my opinions here are in no way endorsed by them (which is cool; their opinions aren’t endorsed by me either). My main professional interests are in Java development, using Agile methods, with a historical focus on building web based applications. I’m also a Mac-fan and love my iPhone, which I’m currently learning how to code for. I live and work in Brisbane, Australia, but I grew up in the Northern Territory, and still find Brisbane too cold (after 22 years here). I’m married, with two children and one cat. My politics are socialist in tendency, my religious affiliation is atheist (aka “none of the above”), my attitude is condescending and my moral standing is lying down.

2 thoughts on “Running on Glassfish”

  1. Hi Robert. How do I read that, is it a 9 machine cluster?

    We will give you a nice spotlight on TheAquarium very early next week. We are coordinating with Greg about it. And keep posting about the lessons learned with the new APIs and technologies, we are very interested.

    – eduard/o

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